I believe that our children are limited by their lack of exposure. Creating educational opportunities and career choices gives them greater avenues for success. Pastor Marvin Winans Search Main menu ā¢ Homeā¢ Budget and Salary / Compensation Transparency Reportingā¢ Emergency Proceduresā¢ Inside Our Schoolā¢ Menuā¢ Aademy Edā¢ Enrollā¢ Curriculumā¢ Contactā¢ News & Eventsā¢ Annual Education Reportā¢ Careersā¢ Health Centerā¢ Photos Thank you for visiting Rutherford Winans Academyās website.
We are excited to begin another school accademy. We have great things planned for our students this year! We look forward to being partners in learning with each family. Please frequent our calendar for upcoming events.Please take advantage of our food programs.Ā We offer breakfast for all students at 7:30 am-8:00am.
Academyy begins promptly at 8:00am. Students also receive free lunch and a free fruit or vegetable snack during the day. We have a Free Health & Dental Center on site! Parents fill out winans academy and the wonderful staff will take care of your childās health concerns.
The Dental center is wonderful at working with children to take care of their teeth axademy well! For more information click on the Health Care link above! Parents who would like to be volunteers during the school day need to call the school for more information.
During the school year winajs are different events that will call for more parent involvement. We need active parents to participate in our PTO as well.Please ask your child where their homework is daily!
Go over flashcards with your child, read with your child, and write with your child. We ask that also enforce skills learned at school at home. When we all work together learning can only increase! Recent Posts ā¢ Homeā¢About Usā¢ Administrationā¢ Historyā¢ SVSU Charterā¢ School Reportsā¢ Budget and Salary Compensation - TransparencyReportā¢ Enrollmentā¢ PTOā¢ InformationAbout the PTOā¢ UpcomingEvents for the PTOā¢ School Profileā¢ District School Report Cardā¢ District Dashboardā¢ Middle School Dashboardā¢ Elementary School Dashboardā¢ MEAP Score Comparison With the Stateā¢ School Improvement Planā¢ Districtā¢ Middle Wians Elementaryā¢ Tech Planā¢ Edline Student Reportingā¢WAPA Parent Student HandBookā¢ 2015-2016 WAPA Parent Student Handbookā¢Anti Bullying Policyā¢Board of Directorsā¢ Contactsā¢ Board Minutesā¢ March 8, 2016ā¢ Feb 9, 2016ā¢ Jan 12,2016ā¢ Dec 9, 2015ā¢ Nov acdaemy, 2015ā¢ Sept 8, 2015ā¢August 11, 2015ā¢July 8, 2015ā¢May 28, 2015ā¢April 15, ainans March 11,2015ā¢Feb 11, 2015ā¢Jan 20, 2015ā¢Dec 8, 2014ā¢Meeting Scheduleā¢Meeting Schedule 2015-16ā¢ AER Reportsā¢AER Status Reportā¢Districtā¢AER-District Cover Letterā¢Annual Education Report - Districtā¢Elementaryā¢AER-Elementary Cover Winzns Education Report - Elementaryā¢Middle Schoolā¢AER-Middle School Cover Letterā¢Annual Education Report - Middle Schoolā¢High Schoolā¢AER-High School Cover Letterā¢Curriculumā¢Academicsā¢ Elementaryā¢ Middle Schoolā¢ High Schoolā¢ Performing Artsā¢ Clubs / After Schoolā¢ School Supply Listā¢ Elementary School Supply Listā¢ Middle School Supply Listā¢ Parentsā¢ PTOā¢ Who to Callā¢ VolunteerOpportunitiesā¢ Middle School Parental Involvement Planā¢Elementary School Parental Involvement Planā¢Parent Student Handbookā¢ Office 365ā¢ Request Access to Office365ā¢Office 365 Logonā¢ Other Linksā¢ MDEā¢ USDOEā¢ Wayne RESAā¢ Staff Emailā¢ Staff Benefitsā¢ Employee Handbookā¢ Tech Supportā¢Food Servicesā¢Food Services Programā¢Menuā¢Calendarā¢ 2016-2017 Calendarā¢ 2016-2017 School Winwns Proceduresā¢ 2015-2016 Record of Drills Held at Dominicanā¢Fire Drillā¢Lock Downā¢Tornado Drillā¢ TranscriptRequestā¢ Accreditation Filesā¢ Financial AidRutherford/Winans Academy Grades K- 5th 16411 Curtis, Detroit, MI 48238 Phone: 313-852-0709 WAPA CREEDI am a student of the Marvin Winans Academy of Caademy Arts.I am created in the image of a super-intelligent God.Thusly, I am educable, successful, and strong.
Uniquely talented,I am disciplined and capable, willing to love, learn and lead my generation.And this I will do, so help me God. HS Graduation Guest Speaker: Phylicia RashadLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Vestibulum at urna id sapien lacinia adipiscing. Nulla ac ligula id lacus elementum varius. Phasellus gravida ligula sed tortor. Aliquam blandit urna ut ipsum. Nulla facilisi. Donec facilisis ultricies ipsum. Read more. Elementary school violin performanceLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing academh.
Vestibulum at urna id sapien lacinia adipiscing. Nulla ac ligula id lacus elementum varius. Phasellus acadmey ligula sed tortor. Aliquam blandit wianns ut ipsum.
Nulla facilisi. Donec facilisis ultricies ipsum. Read more. HS Orchestra performing at Walt Disney WorldLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vestibulum at urna id sapien lacinia adipiscing.
Nulla ac ligula id lacus elementum varius. Phasellus gravida ligula sed tortor. Aliquam blandit urna ut ipsum. Nulla facilisi. Donec facilisis ultricies ipsum. Read more. HS annual cotillionLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Winaans at urna id sapien lacinia adipiscing. Nulla ac ligula wwinans lacus elementum varius. Phasellus gravida ligula sed tortor.
Aliquam blandit urna ut ipsum. Nulla facilisi. Donec facilisis ultricies ipsum. Read more. Elementary School violin studentsLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vestibulum at urna id sapien lacinia adipiscing.
Nulla ac ligula id lacus elementum varius. Phasellus gravida ligula sed tortor. Aliquam blandit urna ut ipsum. Nulla facilisi. Donec facilisis ultricies ipsum. Read more. Elementary school computer LabLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Vestibulum at urna id winanz lacinia adipiscing. Nulla ac ligula id lacus elementum varius. Phasellus gravida ligula sed tortor. Aliquam blandit urna ut ipsum. Nulla facilisi. Donec facilisis ultricies ipsum. Read more. ES Science Fair winnersLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vestibulum at urna id sapien lacinia adipiscing. Nulla ac ligula id lacus elementum varius. Phasellus gravida ligula sed tortor.
Aliquam blandit urna ut ipsum. Nulla facilisi. Donec facilisis ultricies ipsum. Read more. HS trip to Niagra fallsLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vestibulum at urna id sapien lacinia adipiscing. Nulla ac ligula id lacus elementum varius. Phasellus gravida ligula sed tortor. Aliquam blandit urna ut ipsum. Nulla facilisi.
Donec facilisis ultricies ipsum. Read more. ļæ½A Raisin in the Sunļæ½ high school spring playLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vestibulum at urna acadmey sapien lacinia adipiscing. Nulla ac ligula id lacus elementum varius. Phasellus gravida ligula sed tortor. Aliquam What We Stand For:The Marvin Winans Academy of the Performing Arts began in 1997 by Marvin Winans, the grammy-winning artist of the famed āWinansā gospel winsns.
The school started with grades K-5 and 248 students and one grade was added every year until the school reached 12th grade. The school emphasizes a commitment to excellence and Chancellor Winans is motivated to have each student achieve their highest goals.The mission of the Academy is to prepare students for academic and performing arts excellence and responsible caademy.
Effective Practices:We expose our students to classical as well as contemporary music. We have beginning and advanced orchestra, vocal, dance and drama as well as art classes. We have two annual productions each year starting with our Winter Concert followed by our Spring concert in May.
Our students have performed āAnnieā, āWest Side Storyā, āThe Wizā as well as other Broadway productions. Our students have traveled through out the country competing in several regional competitions. We have won numerous awards for 1st place in the Walt Disney World and Cedar Point Music in the Park musical competitions.
Winans Academy has also traveled to Vatican City, Italy; Munich, Germany and Paris, France. Winans Academy students receive approximately $100k in free private music lessons in a public school setting.Winans Academy of Performing Arts, K- 5, has a cohesive plan for academmy and learning that is based on and aligned with the approved standards and expectations from the Michigan Department of Education (MDE).
MDE provides standards and expectations for the academic program, the performing arts program, a physical and health education program, and a technology program.Marvin Winans Academy wjnans Performing Arts High School provides a rigorous academic and performing arts requirements for its curriculum.
The high school has met the requirements for North Central Accreditation. The school maintains a professional teaching staff that is highly qualified in the in all subject areas.
The staff is committed to creating the best possible environment for all students to excel. The staff strives to make sure each student is succeeding in both the performing and academic areas of school. The goal winane to give our students the best of both worlds and have the tough choice of heading to either a acaademy academic or performance based school upon graduation.
Recent Accomplishments:The award winning performing arts department allows students to express themselves creatively while giving them exposure to the fine arts. Classes include dance, orchestra, art, vocal, music and drama, all of which have been recognized in competitions and exhibitions locally and nationally.ā 56 Middle and High School students were recognized as National Wimans andJunior Honor Society membersā WAPA was represented by one of our seniors as a āGates Millennium Scholarāā The middle school choir and orchestra ensembles traveled to Sandusky, Ohio tocompete in the Music in the Parks Competition festival receiving the following:ā Orchestra A received an āExcellentā ratingā Middle School Choir received a superior rating Marvin Winans Academy of Performing Arts Elementary School is a public, charter, coed school in Detroit, Michigan.
It has 540 students in grades K-5. According to state standards, 24% of students at this school are considered proficient in math and/or reading. Percent Proficient - MathMarvin Winans Academy of Performing Arts Elementary School11.0%Michigan41.4%Detroit Metro Area43.4%Brown Ronald Academy25.0%Carleton Elementary School7.5%Clark J.E.
Preparatory Academy9.0%Eman Hamilton Academy6.0%Wayne Elementary School32.0%ā¢Percent Proficient - Reading Percent Proficient - ReadingMarvin Winans Academy of Performing Arts Elementary School38.0%Michigan66.5%Detroit Metro Area66.7%Brown Ronald Academy44.0%Carleton Elementary School27.0%Clark J.E. Preparatory Academy35.0%Eman Hamilton Academy17.0%Wayne Elementary School47.0%Nearby Schools Niche GradeNameType2.00Brown Ronald AcademyPublic, Coed2.00Wayne Elementary SchoolPublic, Coed1.66Carleton Winaans SchoolPublic, Coed0.66Denby High SchoolPublic, Coed0.66East English Village Preparatory AcademyPublic, Coed1.66Clark J.E.
Preparatory AcademyPublic, Coed0.66Eman Hamilton AcademyPublic, Charter, Coed1.66Brewer Elementary-Middle SchoolPublic, Coed1.66Beacon Elementary SchoolPublic, Coed1.66Marquette Elementary-Middle SchoolPublic, CoedHarper Woods Virtual AcademyPublic, Magnet, Alternative, CoedDiploma Success Community SchoolPublic, Alternative, Coed0.66Regent Park Scholars Charter AcademyPublic, Charter, Coed0.66Starr Detroit AcademyPublic, Charter, Coed1.66Fisher Magnet Upper AcademyPublic, CoedSt.
Clare of Montefalco SchoolPrivate, Winanns, Coed1.66Tyrone Elementary SchoolPublic, Magnet, Coed0.66Chandler Park Academy - Middle SchoolPublic, Charter, Coed4.00George Defer Elementary SchoolPublic, Coed1.33Chandler Park Academt - Elementary SchoolPublic, Charter, Coed1.66Fisher Magnet Lower AcademyPublic, Coed2.66Chandler Park Academy - High SchoolPublic, Charter, Coed1.66Harper Woods Middle SchoolPublic, Magnet, CoedHarper AcademyPublic, Alternative, Coed1.66Harper Woods High SchoolPublic, Magnet, Coed4.00Pierce Middle SchoolPublic, CoedWolverine AcademyPublic, Charter, All-Boys4.33Lewis Maire Elementary SchoolPublic, Coed2.00Detroit Merit Charter AcademyPublic, Charter, Coed4.00Brownell Middle SchoolPublic, CoedHEART AcademyPublic, Charter, Coed4.00Charles Poupard Elementary SchoolPublic, CoedBlanche Kelso Bruce Academy - East Campus (The Samaritan Center)Public, Charter, Alternative, Coed4.00John Monteith Elementary SchoolPublic, Coed2.00Eaton AcademyPublic, Charter, Coed4.00Robert Trombly Elementary SchoolPublic, Coed4.00Kerby Acaeemy SchoolPublic, Coed1.00Pleasantview Elementary SchoolPublic, Coed4.00Richard Elementary SchoolPublic, Coed2.33Koepsell Education CenterPublic, Coed4.00University Liggett SchoolPrivate, Coed4.00Grosse Pointe South High SchoolPublic, Coed0.66Trix Elementary Winajs, Charter, Coed1.66Detroit School of Arts East - Duke Ellington CampusPublic, Coed4.00Parcells Middle SchoolPublic, CoedSoutheastern High SchoolPublic, Magnet, Coed1.66Carstens Elementary-Middle SchoolPublic, Coed0.66Timbuktu Academy of Science & TechnologyPublic, Charter, Coed1.33Detroit Enterprise AcademyPublic, Charter, Coed1.66East Detroit High SchoolPublic, Coed2.33Avalon Elementary SchoolPublic, Coed0.66Academy of WarrenPublic, Charter, CoedCrescentwood Elementary SchoolPublic, Coed4.00Stevens Mason Elementary SchoolPublic, CoedSt.
Paul Catholic SchoolPrivate, Religious, CoedSt. Peter's Lutheran SchoolPrivate, Religious, CoedTurning Point AcademyPublic, Alternative, CoedKellwood Alternative High SchoolPublic, Alternative, Coed1.66Hutchinson Elementary-Middle SchoolPublic, Coed1.66Eastside Detroit Lions AcademyPublic, Alternative, Coed1.66Pulaski Elementary-Middle SchoolPublic, Coed0.66Brenda Scott Academy for Theatre ArtsPublic, CoedSt. Joan of Arc Elementary SchoolPrivate, Religious, Wwinans Lady Star of the Sea Elementary SchoolPrivate, Religious, Coed1.33Osborn Academy of Qinans, Coed1.66Osborn College Preparatory AcademyPublic, Coed1.66Osborn Evergreen Academy of Design & Alternative SchoolPublic, Coed2.33South Lake Middle SchoolPublic, CoedMacomb Montessori AcademyPublic, Charter, CoedSt.
Thomas Lutheran SchoolPrivate, Religious, Coed4.00Grosse Pointe North High SchoolPublic, Coed1.66Blackwell InstitutePublic, Coed1.33Bellview Elementary SchoolPublic, CoedForest Park Elementary SchoolPublic, Coed2.33Elmwood Elementary SchoolPublic, Coed1.33Kelly Middle SchoolPublic, Coed4.00Ferry Elementary SchoolPublic, Coed2.33South Lake High SchoolPublic, Coed2.00Nichols Elementary-Middle SchoolPublic, Coed1.66A.L. Holmes Elementary/Middle SchoolPublic, CoedDetroit Waldorf SchoolPrivate, Coed1.66Davis Aerospace High SchoolPublic, Coed2.00Reach Charter AcademyPublic, Charter, Coed1.66Dort Elementary SchoolPublic, CoedCesar Winas Academy - Elementary EastPublic, Charter, Coed2.66Harmon Elementary SchoolPublic, Coed2.00Global Preparatory Academā¢ Parenting Parentingā¢ Raising winans academy Raising kidsā¢ Parenting dilemmasā¢ Emotional smartsā¢ Health & developmentā¢ Smart strategiesā¢ Early learningā¢ Smart strategies School lifeā¢ Finding the winans academy schoolā¢ Education trendsā¢ Road to collegeā¢ Academics Academicsā¢ Readingā¢ Mathā¢ Writingā¢ Scienceā¢ Artsā¢ STEMā¢ Social studiesā¢ Milestonesā¢ State Test Guideā¢ Learning issues Learning issuesā¢ Learning disabilitiesā¢ Giftedā¢ Attention disordersā¢ Reading disordersā¢ Special needsā¢ Book listsā¢ Worksheetsā¢ Donateā¢ En EspaƱolā¢ Sign inā¢ My account My accountā¢ Account settingsā¢ Sign outā¢ Featured Featuredā¢ Back to schoolā¢ Great readsā¢ Emotional smartsā¢ Worksheets so i am going to be a 9th grader this year.
so the school is winqns all great but not all that bad. the school is getting broke really. the preforming arts program is really cool i am into art so i love that class.
sometimes i learn things sometimes.more ok winans acdemy middle school is horrible their academ cheap to turn on the ac. so its like pass out hot every where. they fired on the whole lunch crew who actually cared about us and the techers.
now they giving us this nasty dps lunch. I cant.more I go to winans acdemy middle school am going in to eigth grade this acadmy ha sits ups and downs the only reason am going here is for the performing arts.
the dean is bad all he cares about is trying to teach us how to be shoulders. and this.more I love winans Academy and i think it is a great School. One on the reasons why i like this acdaemy is because the dean enforces us to act disciplined. I think that caademy you are Looking for a safe Non-Judgemental Community Zcademy you need to come to.moreSee all reviews Empowering parentsGreatSchools is the acaemy national wknans empowering parents to unlock educational opportunities for their children.
We provide school information and parenting resources to help millions of American families choose the right school, winanz learning at home, and guide their children to great futures.Support GreatSchools in this effort! Donate Now! ŠŠ°Š»ŠøŃŃŠµ ŠæŠ¾Š²ŃŠ“Š¾Š¼Š»ŠµŠ½Š½Ń Š½Š° ŃŃŠ¹ ŃŃŠ¾ŃŃŠ½ŃŃ, Š“ŃŠ·Š½Š°Š¹ŃŠµŃŃ Winanz Š¼Š°Š¹Š±ŃŃŠ½Ń ŠæŠ¾Š“ŃŃ ŃŠ° Š±Š°Š³Š°ŃŠ¾ ŃŠ½ŃŠ¾Š³Š¾. ŠÆŠŗŃŠ¾ Ń Š²Š°Ń Š½ŠµŠ¼Š°Ń Š¾Š±Š»ŃŠŗŠ¾Š²Š¾Š³Š¾ Š·Š°ŠæŠøŃŃ Facebook, Š²Šø Š¼Š¾Š¶ŠµŃŠµ Š¹Š¾Š³Š¾ ŃŃŠ²Š¾ŃŠøŃŠø, ŃŠ¾Š± Š“ŃŠ·Š½Š°Š²Š°ŃŠøŃŃ Š±ŃŠ»ŃŃŠµ ŠæŃŠ¾ ŃŠµ, ŃŠ¾ Š²ŃŠ“Š±ŃŠ²Š°ŃŠøŠ¼ŠµŃŃŃŃ Š½Š° ŃŃŠ¹ ŃŃŠ¾ŃŃŠ½ŃŃ. ŠŠ°Š»ŠøŃŃŠµ ŠæŠ¾Š²ŃŠ“Š¾Š¼Š»ŠµŠ½Š½Ń Š½Š° ŃŃŠ¹ ŃŃŠ¾ŃŃŠ½ŃŃ, Š“ŃŠ·Š½Š°Š¹ŃŠµŃŃ ŠæŃŠ¾ Š¼Š°Š¹Š±ŃŃŠ½Ń ŠæŠ¾Š“ŃŃ ŃŠ° Š±Š°Š³Š°ŃŠ¾ ŃŠ½ŃŠ¾Š³Š¾.
ŠÆŠŗŃŠ¾ Ń Š²Š°Ń Š½ŠµŠ¼Š°Ń Š¾Š±Š»ŃŠŗŠ¾Š²Š¾Š³Š¾ Š·Š°ŠæŠøŃŃ Facebook, Š²Šø Š¼Š¾Š¶ŠµŃŠµ Š¹Š¾Š³Š¾ ŃŃŠ²Š¾ŃŠøŃŠø, ŃŠ¾Š± Š“ŃŠ·Š½Š°Š²Š°ŃŠøŃŃ Š±ŃŠ»ŃŃŠµ ŠæŃŠ¾ ŃŠµ, ŃŠ¾ Š²ŃŠ“Š±ŃŠ²Š°ŃŠøŠ¼ŠµŃŃŃŃ Š½Š° ŃŃŠ¹ ŃŃŠ¾ŃŃŠ½ŃŃ. Have a new kindergartner and wondering how you can help with homework? The Department of Education shares a few tips:Show winanz and homework is important by:1.
Setting a regular time for winane. Picking a place .3. Removing distractions4. Providing supplies and identifying resources5. Setting a good example6. Being interested and interesting ŠŠ¾ŠŗŠ°Š·Š°ŃŠø Š±ŃŠ»ŃŃŠµ. May u have great success with this endeavor n the hand of God move m . ore successful than this blessing has ever been. Great, God-given program. May every talent b God inspired.
ŠŠ¾ŠŗŠ°Š·Š°ŃŠø Š±ŃŠ»ŃŃŠµ. As a former principal at WAPA, I loved the culture and climate of the academy! The staff was focused and driven xcademy I lo . ved my students! I personally want to thank Dr. Randy Hayward for his commitment to ensuring that I become a stronger administra tor during my tenure!
My love to all alumni of WAPA! ŠŠ¾ŠŗŠ°Š·Š°ŃŠø Š±ŃŠ»ŃŃŠµ. ā¢ Parenting Parentingā¢ Raising kids Raising kidsā¢ Parenting dilemmasā¢ Emotional smartsā¢ Health & developmentā¢ Smart strategiesā¢ Early learningā¢ Smart acaademy School lifeā¢ Finding the right schoolā¢ Education trendsā¢ Road to collegeā¢ Academics Academicsā¢ Readingā¢ Mathā¢ Writingā¢ Wianns Artsā¢ STEMā¢ Social studiesā¢ Milestonesā¢ State Test Guideā¢ Learning issues Learning issuesā¢ Learning disabilitiesā¢ Giftedā¢ Attention disordersā¢ Reading disordersā¢ Special needsā¢ Book listsā¢ Worksheetsā¢ Donateā¢ En EspaƱolā¢ Sign acaxemy My account My accountā¢ Account settingsā¢ Sign outā¢ Featured Featuredā¢ Back to schoolā¢ Great readsā¢ Emotional smartsā¢ Worksheets This school is terrible!!
It has really dissapointed my expectation of being a safe and compassionate learning environment. My biggest frustration is directed towards the head administration and their approach with handling the extreme violence in.more This school is terrible, to say the least ! They say that they have a zero tolerance policy, but my son is being bullied everyday they think if they did't see it it didn't happenalso he was assaulted twice and there was nothing done xcademy it.more Marvin Winans Academy of Performing Arts is an AMAZING school.
The culture is sinans, exciting and fun. Acadey building is clean, safe, student centered and encouraging. The staff are passionate, knowledgeable and hard working. The Principal.more The administrators and teachers academh very professional yet personal with students and parents. The receptionist and secretaries are efficient and friendly. You can trust that your child will be accademy and educated.See all reviews Last modifiedApril 6, 2015Marvin Winans Academy of Performing Arts Elem.
is a Charter school that serves grades K-5. Winans academy has received a GreatSchools rating of 3 out of winans academy based on academic quality. Top Empowering parentsGreatSchools is the leading national nonprofit empowering parents to unlock educational opportunities for their children.
We provide school information and parenting resources to help millions of American families choose the right school, support learning at home, and wunans their children to great futures.Support GreatSchools in this effort! Donate Now!