�TourStart here for a quick overview of the site�Help CenterDetailed answers to any questions you might have�MetaDiscuss the workings and policies of this site�About UsLearn more about Stack Overflow the company�BusinessLearn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us In other firewall software packages I have seen the ability and am hoping it is possible with ClearOS to put it in to transparent or bridged mode where the device sits physically between the client workstations and the internet router, but is the client workstation has the internet router address as it's gateway, not the clearos machine.The client weg would also not have to enter an http proxy address as that would be transparent.Is this possible and how do you configure ClearOS this way?Thanks! discardBy posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service.Not the answer you're looking for?
Browse other questions tagged firewall bridge transparent-proxy clearos or ask your own proy / ArtsCulture / RecreationScienceOther� Stack Overflow� Server Fault� Super User� Web Applications� Ask Ubuntu� Webmasters� Game Development� TeX - LaTeX� Programmers� Unix & Linux� Ask Different (Apple)� WordPress Development� Geographic Information Systems� Electrical Engineering� Android Enthusiasts� Information Security� Database Administrators� Drupal Answers� Workin User Experience� Mathematica� Salesforce� ExpressionEngine� Answers� Cryptography� Code Review� Magento� Signal Processing� Raspberry Pi� Programming Puzzles & Code Golf�more (7)� Photography� Science Fiction & Fantasy� Graphic Design� Movies & TV� Workkng Practice & Theory� Seasoned Advice (cooking)� Home Improvement� Personal Finance & Money� Academia�more (8)� English Language & Usage� Skeptics� Mi Yodeya (Judaism)� Travel� Christianity� English Language Learners� Japanese Language� Arqade (gaming)� Bicycles� Role-playing Games� Anime & Manga�more (18)� Mathematics� Cross Validated (stats)� Theoretical Computer Science� Physics� MathOverflow� Chemistry� Biology� Computer Science� Philosophy�more (3)� Stack Apps� Meta Stack Exchange� Area 51� Stack Overflow Careers HiI workung a problem with the windows networking and proxy authentication on ClearOS 6.3 (Final).There are no errors showing in the web console that I can see and when I run a test from the command line ( wbinfo -a username%password and squidclient -u testguy https://www.google.com) everything works.
I can access all my flexshares via the web noy but not through windows networking.Everything was working fine until I imported a spreadsheet with new users. Now I have this issue and my web proxy authentication stopped working.Web proxy will pop up with authentication request but wont accept any logins and if I try to access my server shares from a windows machine I just get an error message that the remote device refused connection. Well, seeing as this thread had such overwhelming response I had to go experiment until I found solutions.Here is how Wwb fixed it:Squid AuthenticationTurns out squid was trying Windows Domain authentication instead of just the LDAP.I commented this is line in squid_auth.conf:# NTLM#auth_param ntlm program /usr/bin/ntlm_auth -helper-protocol=squid-2.
5-ntlmssp -require-membership #of=CLEARSYSTEM+web_proxy_ plugin#auth_param ntlm children 15#auth_param ntlm keep_alive onthenservice squid clearos web proxy not working all Open in new windowand viola!SambaSamba had two problems1) It wasn't running - I felt a bit stupid when I discovered thisservice smb startSelect all Open in new windowfixed that2)the workgroup was wrong in the config file, I opened etc/samba/smb.conf and changed the workgroup to be the same as the windows one.[global]# Generalnetbios name = JHBServerworkgroup = MYWORKGROUPserver string = MyServersecurity = userand that sorted both my problems.Hope this helps someone else. This was my own solution as I had no feedback from anyone.
It deals specifically with workinf ClearOS system but this is just a derivative of centos so it should help with similar issues on any centos system Title# CommentsViewsActivityLinux SSH Error93433dRebuild awstats from SSH command line on CentOS, from awstats txt files from another server15112dWhat are recommended OS for exim mail server?10175dRedirect mail server from IP to IP2195d SSH (Secure Shell) - Tips and TricksAs you all know SSH(Secure Shell) is a network protocol, which we use to access/transfer cleados securely between two networked devices.
SSH was actually designed as a replacement for insecure protocols we sen�� Linux This article is in response to a question (https://www.experts-exchange.com/Networking/Network_Management/Network_Analysis/Q_28230497.html) here at Experts Exchange.
The Original Poster (OP) requires a utility that will accept a list of IP addresses �� Windows Networking� Network Management� Windows 7� Windows 8� Scripting Languages Learn how to get help with Linux/Unix bash shell commands.Use help to read help documents for built in bash shell commands.: Use man to interface with the online reference manuals for shell commands.: Use man to search man pages for unknown command�� Linux� Unix OS � Software� ClearOS 6 Community� ClearOS 7 Business� ClearOS 7 Home� ClearOS 7 Community� ClearOS 7 Comparison� Legacy Editions� ClearOS Downloads� Forums� Community Dashboard� Community Profile� Community Groups� Community Badges� Community Leadership� Community Forums� Community Forums Index� Roadmap� ClearOS Roadmap Overview� ClearOS Roadmap Details� ClearOS Release Info� ClearOS Issue Tracker� ClearOS Feature Request� Developers� Developer Overview� Developer Apps and Framework� Developer Theming� Developer Architecture� Developer Packaging� Developer Translations� Developer Source Code� Documentation Main� Code� ClearOS Code Base� ClearOS EULA� ClearOS Translation Overview� ClearOS Translation Getting Started� ClearOS Translation System� Community Volunteer Form� Products � Subscriptions� ClearOS 6 Community� ClearOS 6 Professional� ClearOS 7 Business� ClearOS 7 Home� ClearOS 7 Community� ClearOS 7 Comparison� Legacy Editions� Hardware� ClearBOX Overview� ClearBOX 100 Series� ClearBOX 300 Series� ClearBOX 500 Series� ClearBOX 700 Series� Support� ClearCARE Overview� ClearCARE Evaluation Support� ClearCARE Level I Dorking ClearCARE Level II Support� ClearCARE Level III Support� Submit A Ticket� Solutions� ClearOS Solutions Overview� Business� Government� Education� Not For Profit� Purchase� Buy IT� ClearOS Marketplace Overview� ClearOS Marketplace Apps� Try IT� Build IT� Download IT� Resources � Find a Partner� Find a Local Partner� Find A Local Partner� Be a Partner� Partner Program Overview� Partner Program Benefits� Registered Partner� Recommended Partner� Regional Partner� Partner Program Application� Certifications� ClearOS Certifications� IT Operating Platform Courses� Cloud Courses� Gateway Courses� Network Cleados Server Courses� System Courses� Documentation� Documentation Main� Documentation Overview� ClearOS 7 Documentation� ClearOS 6 Documentation� ClearOS 5 Documentation� Getting Started� What to Expect� Domain Services� Announcements� Release Info� Manage� ClearCARE by Partner Overview� ClearVM Overview� ClearVM Documentation� ClearVM Forums� LOGINS The web proxy in ClearOS is a high-performance proxy caching server for web clients, supporting HTTP, FTP and some lesser known protocols.
The software not only saves bandwidth and speeds up access time, but also gives administrators the ability to track web usage via web-based reports.If you are new to ClearOS and/or setting up a proxy server, you may want to refer to the Guide to Setting up Web Proxy, Content Filter and Access Control Guide. User authentication cannot be used in conjunction with transparent mode. If you require user authentication, then non-transparent mode is required.
This is not a limitation of the software, but a limitation of the way the web protocol was designed!Transparent Mode In transparent mode, all web requests from the local network automatically pass through the proxy.
The advantage: no configuration changes are required on the workstations. The disadvantage: secure web sites (HTTPS) can not flow through the proxy.Since network traffic needs to be intercepted before going out the Internet, this his mode is only available when ClearOS is configured as a gateway.Performance Level The Performance Level workin the size of network that your system can support.
The Community Edition is designed for home/small networks and is already optimized for cleqros users or less. The Professional Edition does workinng optimization based on available system resources. Any file (image, web page, PDF, etc) above the maximum object size will still go through the proxy but will not be cached. Large files (for instance, a movie file) can take up a lot of space in your proxy cache.
If you have a cache size of 2 Cleros and two people happen to download 1 Gb files at the same time, then these two files would replace everything else in your cache. You can limit the maximum object size to prevent this kind of scenario.Maximum Download File Size Tivo personal video recorders (PVRs) are unable to connect via a proxy server.
Adding Tivo's network to the proxy by-pass list solves the issue.You can use the following format for the bypass:� Network Notation (recommended)If you are running the proxy in non-transparent mode, then you also have to adjust your web browser's proxy server settings.
The web cleqros or IP address that you add to the ClearOS web proxy bypass list should also be added to your browser's proxy exception list. In non-transparent mode, you must change the settings on all the web browsers running on your local network. The following describes the steps for configuring Internet Explorer, but other browsers have similar procedures. In Internet Explorer� Click on the LAN Settings buttonIn the Pdoxy Server settings box, specify your ClearOS IP address and the proxy port (see next section).
You may not be able to access websites on your system or local network unless you select bypass proxy server for local oroxy � Software� ClearOS 6 Community� ClearOS 7 Business� ClearOS 7 Home� ClearOS 7 Community� ClearOS 7 Comparison� Legacy Editions� ClearOS Downloads� Forums� Community Dashboard� Community Profile� Community Groups� Community Badges� Community Leadership� Community Forums� Community Forums Index� Roadmap� ClearOS Roadmap Overview� ClearOS Roadmap Details� ClearOS Release Info� ClearOS Issue Tracker� ClearOS Feature Request� Developers� Developer Overview� Developer Apps and Framework� Developer Theming� Developer Architecture� Developer Packaging� Developer Translations� Developer Source Code� Documentation Main� Code� ClearOS Code Base� ClearOS EULA� ClearOS Translation Overview� ClearOS Translation Getting Started� ClearOS Translation System� Community Volunteer Form� Products � Subscriptions� ClearOS 6 Community� ClearOS 6 Professional� ClearOS 7 Business� ClearOS 7 Home� ClearOS 7 Community� ClearOS 7 Comparison� Legacy Editions� Hardware� ClearBOX Overview� ClearBOX 100 Series� ClearBOX 300 Series� ClearBOX 500 Series� ClearBOX 700 Series� Support� ClearCARE Overview� ClearCARE Evaluation Support� ClearCARE Level I Support� ClearCARE Level II Support� ClearCARE Level III Support� Clfaros A Ticket� Solutions� ClearOS Solutions Overview� Business� Government� Education� Not For Profit� Purchase� Buy IT� ClearOS Marketplace Overview� ClearOS Marketplace Apps� Try IT� Build IT� Download IT� Resources � Find a Partner� Find a Local Partner� Find A Local Partner� Be a Partner� Partner Program Overview� Partner Program Benefits� Registered Partner� Recommended Partner� Regional Partner� Partner Program Application� Certifications� ClearOS Certifications� IT Operating Platform Courses� Cloud Courses� Gateway Courses� Network Courses� Server Courses� System Courses� Documentation� Documentation Main� Documentation Overview� ClearOS 7 Documentation� ClearOS 6 Documentation� ClearOS 5 Documentation� Getting Started� What to Expect� Domain Services� Announcements� Release Info� Manage� ClearCARE by Partner Overview� ClearVM Overview� ClearVM Documentation� ClearVM Forums� LOGINS If you are using the proxy server (squid) or content filter (dansguardian) in non-transparent mode you may come across some sites that just do not work because of some weird chaining, authentication, or port manipulation.
This howto can cleados address and resolve these issues. This can often be the case for instance with Sharepoint or Outlook Web Access (OWA). The web proxy bypass section basically creates firewall rules that intercept clearps items while they flow across the firewall and pipe them directly to the site. For transparent mode content filtration and proxy, this means that the packets are snatched before they are redirected to the proxy (3128) or the content filter (8080).Since non-transparent use of the content filter or the proxy server requires setting the client to push web traffic to the server directly rather than across it, the firewall cannot grab any workingg packet and manipulate its flow.
Moreover, web request packets and proxy web request packets look very different, so even if it could it wouldn't work.The answer to this problem lies in using both the client that is specifically using the proxy and adding the exception there in addition to the web proxy bypass. Configure the site you want bypassed in the web proxy bypass section of the the gateway. For servers running ClearOS as their gateway, this is done here: Gateway � Proxy and Filtering � Web Proxy � Web Site Bypass.
If ClearOS is not your Firewall/Gateway, simply allow all clients on the local network to egress to that site.In the Web Proxy Bypass, specify an name (no spaces or claros characters, hyphens and underscores are ok). Add either the Domain Name, IP Address, or CIDR of the site. CIDR is recommended. Click 'Add'.For this example, we will use the Nickname 'Sharepoint' and the Domain/IP of 'sharepoint.example.com'.Next, configure the client to override the proxy setting for that site. You can push this setting out to your Windows workstations using this registry setting example:Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet Settings]"ProxyOverride"="sharepoint.example.com; "Create a text file.
Copy the code above and paste it into the text file. Save the changes. Rename the text file to something like 'webbypass.reg'. Double click to add to the local machine. Click on Start � Control Panel � Internet Options.Then find the Exemption list Connections � LAN Settings��Advanced.Add any number of sites to this list but separate your entries with a semicolon ( ;). Navigate to the network settings. Apple icon (upper left)�Show All�Internet & Wireless�NetworkFind the proxy settings Advanced�Proxies�Bypass proxy settings for these Hosts & Domains.Insert the Hostname, IP address, or CIDR of the site separated by commas ( ,). Sitemap� ClearOS Overview� ClearOS Community� ClearOS Products� ClearOS Support� ClearOS � Software� ClearOS 6 Community� ClearOS 7 Business� ClearOS 7 Home� ClearOS 7 Community� ClearOS 7 Comparison� Legacy Editions� ClearOS Downloads� Forums� Community Dashboard� Community Profile� Community Groups� Community Badges� Community Leadership� Community Celaros Community Forums Index� Roadmap� ClearOS Roadmap Overview� ClearOS Clearks Details� ClearOS Release Info� ClearOS Issue Tracker� ClearOS Feature Request� Developers� Developer Overview� Developer Apps and Framework� Developer Theming� Developer Architecture� Developer Packaging� Developer Translations� Developer Source Code� Documentation Main� Worjing ClearOS Code Base� ClearOS EULA� ClearOS Translation Overview� ClearOS Translation Getting Started� ClearOS Translation System� Community Volunteer Form� Products � Subscriptions� ClearOS 6 Community� ClearOS 6 Professional� ClearOS 7 Business� ClearOS 7 Home� ClearOS 7 Community� ClearOS 7 Comparison� Legacy Editions� Hardware� ClearBOX Overview� ClearBOX 100 Series� ClearBOX 300 Series� ClearBOX 500 Series� ClearBOX 700 Series� Support� ClearCARE Overview� ClearCARE Evaluation Support� ClearCARE Level I Support� ClearCARE Level II Support� ClearCARE Level III Cpearos Submit A Ticket� Solutions� ClearOS Solutions Overview� Business� Government� Education� Not For Profit� Purchase� Buy IT� ClearOS Marketplace Overview� ClearOS Marketplace Apps� Try IT� Build IT� Download IT� Resources � Find a Partner� Find a Local Partner� Find A Local Partner� Be a Partner� Partner Program Overview� Partner Program Benefits� Registered Partner� Recommended Partner� Regional Partner� Partner Program Application� Certifications� ClearOS Certifications� IT Operating Platform Courses� Cloud Courses� Gateway Courses� Network Courses� Server Courses� System Wdb Documentation� Documentation Main� Documentation Overview� ClearOS 7 Documentation� ClearOS 6 Documentation� ClearOS 5 Documentation� Getting Started� What to Expect� Domain Services� Announcements� Release Info� Manage� ClearCARE by Partner Overview� ClearVM Overview� ClearVM Documentation� ClearVM Forums� LOGINS Not sure what I did but Web Proxy does not work anymore.
I am running clear OS in a Virtual Machine (VMWare ESXI ) with a fixed IP ( The proxy service is running, but it no longer works. The proxy was running fine until I lost power to the entire network. I powered everything else back on and all works as before except the proxy server. I can ping the physical server (, the proxy server service is started and running but when I try to connect via web browser at using port 3128 it does not work as before.
One other note of interest. In the URL window it reads the following:https://search.conduit.com/app/web_proxy/warning/configurationThe message in the internet window reads:404 Page Not FoundThe page you requested was not found.Not sure what I messed up, but since the power outage, the proxy not longer functions. Please help. Hi Steve,If you login to the ClearOS box does it still have internet connectivity?
can you ping domains? try 'wget https://google.com' (you may have to install wget first using yum)If you run 'service squid restart' do you get any output?
or logs at /var/log/messages or /var/log/system? Sitemap� ClearOS Overview� ClearOS Community� ClearOS Products� ClearOS Support� ClearOS Benefits & Features� ClearOS Statistics� ClearOS Competitive Analysis� ClearOS Testimonials� ClearOS Customers� ClearOS Sitemap Foundation� ClearFoundation Overview� ClearFoundation Leadership� ClearFoundation Code Base� ClearFoundation Forums� ClearFoundation Bylaws� ClearOS EULA� ClearOS GitHub� ClearOS API's� ClearFoundation Volunteer� ClearFoundation Blog� ClearOS 2014 Review Purchase� Online Store� ClearOS 30-Day Trial� ClearOS Renew Existing Webb ClearOS 5 Solution Builder� ClearOS 6 Solution Builder� ClearOS 7 Solution Builder� ClearBOX Appliances� Register Web Domain Contact Us� Contact Information� Connect with Sales� Connect with Support� Connect with the CEO� ClearCenter Listens� ClearOS in the Making� ClearOS FAQ� ClearOS University� Download ClearOS� Search ClearOS.com � Community� Software� ClearOS 6 Community� marketplace� ClearOS 7 Business� ClearOS 7 Home� ClearOS 7 Community� marketplace� ClearOS 7 Comparison� Legacy Editions� ClearOS Downloads� Forums� Community Dashboard� Community Profile� Community Groups� Community Badges� Community Leadership� Community Forums� Community Forums Index� Roadmap� ClearOS Roadmap Overview� ClearOS Roadmap Details� Clearos web proxy not working Release Info� ClearOS Issue Tracker� ClearOS Feature Request� Developers� Developer Overview� Developer Apps noy Framework� Developer Theming� Developer Architecture� Developer Packaging� Developer Translations� Developer Source Code� Documentation Main� Code� ClearOS Code Base� ClearOS EULA� ClearOS Translation Overview� ClearOS Translation Getting Started� ClearOS Translation System� Community Volunteer Form � Resources� Find a Partner� F� Software� ClearOS 6 Community� ClearOS 7 Business� ClearOS 7 Home� ClearOS 7 Community� ClearOS 7 Comparison� Legacy Editions� ClearOS Downloads� Forums� Community Dashboard� Community Profile� Community Groups� Community Badges� Community Leadership� Community Forums� Community Forums Index� Roadmap� ClearOS Roadmap Overview� ClearOS Roadmap Details� ClearOS Release Info� ClearOS Issue Tracker� ClearOS Feature Request� Developers� Developer Overview� Developer Apps and Framework� Developer Theming� Developer Architecture� Developer Packaging� Developer Translations� Developer Source Code� Documentation Main� Code� ClearOS Code Base� ClearOS EULA� ClearOS Workiing Overview� ClearOS Translation Getting Started� ClearOS Translation System� Community Volunteer Form� Products � Subscriptions� ClearOS 6 Community� ClearOS 6 Professional� ClearOS 7 Business� ClearOS 7 Home� ClearOS 7 Community� ClearOS 7 Comparison� Legacy Editions� Hardware� ClearBOX Overview� ClearBOX 100 Series� ClearBOX 300 Series� ClearBOX 500 Series� ClearBOX 700 Series� Support� ClearCARE Overview� ClearCARE Evaluation Support� ClearCARE Level I Support� ClearCARE Level II Support� ClearCARE Level III Support� Submit A Ticket� Solutions� ClearOS Solutions Overview� Business� Government� Education� Not For Profit� Purchase� Buy IT� ClearOS Marketplace Overview� ClearOS Marketplace Apps� Try IT� Build IT� Download IT� Resources � Find a Partner� Find a Local Partner� Find A Local Partner� Be a Partner� Partner Program Overview� Partner Program Benefits� Registered Partner� Recommended Partner� Regional Partner� Partner Program Application� Certifications� ClearOS Certifications� IT Operating Platform Courses� Cloud Nog Gateway Courses� Network Courses� Server Courses� System Courses� Documentation� Documentation Main� Documentation Overview� ClearOS 7 Documentation� ClearOS 6 Documentation� ClearOS 5 Documentation� Getting Started� What to Expect� Domain Services� Announcements� Release Info� Manage� ClearCARE by Partner Overview� ClearVM Overview� ClearVM Documentation� ClearVM Forums� LOGINS I have installed ClearOS 5.1 in Gatewaymodeport 80/443 is open in FirewallI cannot browse to internet even though i configure the proxysetting in the browser.
the proxy is running with transparant mode offJan Rozema Hi Jan,I suspected something like that . heheWell . I am no expert, but I try with the knowledge that I have and in the mean time I am learning a lot as well.I suspect that you confirmed that the requested ports are actually open with for example https://www.grc.com . ?!?I can't help you with squid issues, but I searched for some of these error messages and I came up with the following:subnet issuesdenied access to Safe_portsWith the above configuration, I get the TCP_DENIED messages.
When Iadd either of the lines listed above,http_access allow privNetorhttp_access allow SafePortshttp_access allow CONNECT SSL_Portsthen everything works, but without limiting the traffic. It seemsthat I can't send the traffic through a delay pool.I just spent some time debugging why squid wouldn't work for localhost, but seemed to work for other clients on my network. To cut a long story short, Linux for some reason wasn't using for traffic to localhost.
It was instead using the public IP address for the machine, which didn't match either the localhost ACL or the local network ACL. I am sure there is some fancy reason that this is the case, but if you see this problem, then consider checking your localhost ACL.Transparent squidThat's it for now . maybe it helps you a little or points you or someone else with deeper experience in similar issues, in the right direction.Greetings,John John,Yes everything is OK.
I am a Linux expert but can't find the problem, Firewall is working OK.1. I can ping from a client to teh gatewayserver2.
i can make a SSH connection3. i can make a SSH connection from home to the gatewayserver via internet Hi Jan,So far so good.First answer this question:What did you change exactly after you clean installed . ?!?Did you connect the cables, registered and connected to your web interface, or did you make changes with the local text interface .
?!?Now let's see what else can be done .Jan Rozema wrote:i have eth0 for wan (External) and eth1 for LAN. I prpxy reach internet ( DNS is working fine) from the Linux command prompt and pinging to a client is working OK.For as far as I know, you should be able to access the Internet out of the box, so it could be a minor issue.Jan Rozema wrote:Setup was succeeded with no problemsThis does not always mean (in my experience) that the install went without problems.Jan Rozema wrote:i can reach the webinterfaceCan you check the following (this is the way I set it up with fixed ip's for the clients):Network -> Settings - DHCP servereth0 status Disabledeth1 status Enabled + correct ip-range of your clientsServer -> Windows Networking - Windows Settingsyou entered your root pas� Software� ClearOS 6 Community� ClearOS 7 Business� ClearOS 7 Home� ClearOS 7 Community� ClearOS 7 Comparison� Legacy Sorking ClearOS Downloads� Forums� Community Dashboard� Community Profile� Community Groups� Community Badges� Community Leadership� Community Forums� Community Forums Index� Roadmap� ClearOS Roadmap Overview� ClearOS Roadmap Details� ClearOS Release Info� ClearOS Issue Tracker� ClearOS Feature Request� Developers� Developer Overview� Developer Apps and Framework� Developer Theming� Developer Architecture� Developer Packaging� Developer Translations� Developer Source Code� Documentation Main� Code� ClearOS Code Clearos web proxy not working ClearOS EULA� ClearOS Translation Overview� ClearOS Translation Getting Started� ClearOS Translation System� Community Volunteer Form� Products � Subscriptions� ClearOS 6 Community� ClearOS 6 Professional� ClearOS 7 Business� Weh 7 Home� ClearOS 7 Community� ClearOS 7 Comparison� Legacy Editions� Clearox ClearBOX Overview� ClearBOX 100 Series� ClearBOX 300 Series� ClearBOX 500 Series� ClearBOX 700 Series� Support� ClearCARE Overview� ClearCARE Evaluation Support� ClearCARE Level I Support� ClearCARE Level II Support� ClearCARE Level III Support� Submit A Qorking Solutions� ClearOS Solutions Overview� Business� Government� Education� Not For Profit� Purchase� Buy IT� ClearOS Marketplace Overview� ClearOS Marketplace Apps� Try IT� Build IT� Download IT� Resources � Find a Partner� Find a Local Partner� Find A Local Partner� Be a Partner� Partner Program Overview� Partner Program Benefits� Registered Coearos Recommended Partner� Regional Partner� Partner Program Application� Certifications� ClearOS Certifications� IT Operating Platform Courses� Cloud Courses� Gateway Courses� Network Courses� Server Courses� System Courses� Documentation� Documentation Main� Documentation Overview� ClearOS 7 Documentation� ClearOS 6 Documentation� ClearOS 5 Documentation� Getting Started� What to Expect� Domain Services� Announcements� Release Info� Manage� Proxt by Partner Overview� ClearVM Overview� ClearVM Documentation� ClearVM Forums� LOGINS It appears my system did an automatic update this morning.My Proxy won't start.
When I try to change any of the parameter like cache size or object size, I get and error- "Match not found in file"I noticed my squid.conf is at zero bytes.Any help? Ben Chambers wrote:Here's the contents of mine:# This file is managed by the ClearOS API. Use squid.conf for customization.auth_param basic children 15auth_param basic realm Web Proxyauth_param basic credentialsttl 2 hoursauth_param basic program /usr/lib64/squid/pam_authexternal_acl_type system_group %LOGIN /usr/lib64/squid/squid_unix_group -pLooks like there wweb be something specific to 32 or 64bit architecture.if you're running 32bit OS, you might need to change the two lib64 references to just lib.
Just guessing, as I don't have a 32-bit machine right now to play with.Of course, this could go on an on if your system ran out of disk space. Prox could try just removing and re-installing the packages.B.Removing and re-installing works for me.
Thanks Ben. =) Actually, nevermind. The problem seems to have resolved itself overnight. I also had the firewall issue and had to restore from the backup but now all is well.
Fingers crossed it stays that way now I have freed up some space. Hi Guys,I had a similar issue recently which has mostly been resolved now. I ended up reinstalling squid but my squid_acls.conf and squid_http_access.conf files are still empty.
Squid is up and running and working fine but when I go to change any settings I get the error message as found above. Obviously there are supposed to be some contents to these two files.Somehow the settings persisted after the reinstall even though I removed the rpmsave files.
Prkxy I missed something?Ben, are you able to post the contents of these files on your system so I can use it as a guide? Hopefully once I clearos web proxy not working recreated the files then I can use webconfig again to rewrite my correct settings.Thanks in advance.Jared Well mines stopped the same butall services are starting(squid etc) but it does nothingThink the firewall cleafos is not been set as iptables does not show a redirect for the proxy server.Tried removing proxy,firewall,dans.
etc then reinstall but to no availAny ideas?Pete.EDIT:Scap that, some how/when it was in standalone mode and not gateway ! :blush:First rule of computers.1. Is it switched on!!! :silly:2. I was able to reduce the cache size, so hopefully worling disk space issue resolved. However, your file allows me to start the proxy, but I still can't change it.I have two other zero byte filessquid_http_access.confsquid_acls.confI am not sure about them.I also don't know how to remove and reinstall squid. Here's the contents of mine:# This file is managed by the ClearOS API.
Use squid.conf for customization.auth_param basic children 15auth_param basic realm Web Proxyauth_param basic credentialsttl 2 hoursauth_param basic prog� Software� ClearOS 6 Community� ClearOS 7 Business� ClearOS 7 Home� ClearOS 7 Community� ClearOS 7 Comparison� Legacy Editions� ClearOS Downloads� Forums� Community Dashboard� Community Profile� Community Groups� Community Badges� Community Leadership� Community Forums� Community Forums Index� Roadmap� ClearOS Roadmap Overview� ClearOS Roadmap Details� ClearOS Release Info� ClearOS Issue Tracker� ClearOS Feature Request� Developers� Developer Overview� Developer Apps and Framework� Developer Theming� Developer Architecture� Developer Packaging� Developer Translations� Developer Source Code� Documentation Main� Code� ClearOS Code Base� ClearOS EULA� ClearOS Translation Overview� ClearOS Translation Getting Started� ClearOS Translation System� Community Volunteer Form� Products � Subscriptions� ClearOS 6 Community� ClearOS 6 Professional� ClearOS 7 Business� ClearOS 7 Home� ClearOS 7 Community� ClearOS 7 Comparison� Legacy Editions� Hardware� ClearBOX Overview� ClearBOX 100 Series� ClearBOX 300 Series� ClearBOX 500 Series� ClearBOX 700 Series� Support� ClearCARE Overview� ClearCARE Evaluation Support� ClearCARE Level I Support� ClearCARE Level II Support� ClearCARE Level III Support� Submit A Ticket� Solutions� ClearOS Solutions Overview� Business� Government� Education� Not For Profit� Purchase� Buy IT� ClearOS Marketplace Overview� ClearOS Marketplace Apps� Try IT� Build IT� Download IT� Resources � Find a Partner� Find a Local Partner� Find A Local Partner� Be a Partner� Partner Program Overview� Partner Program Benefits� Registered Partner� Recommended Partner� Regional Partner� Partner Program Application� Certifications� ClearOS Certifications� IT Operating Platform Courses� Cloud Courses� Gateway Courses� Network Courses� Server Courses� System Courses� Documentation� Documentation Main� Documentation Overview� ClearOS 7 Documentation� ClearOS 6 Documentation� Bot 5 Documentation� Getting Started� What to Expect� Domain Services� Announcements� Release Info� Manage� ClearCARE by Partner Overview� ClearVM Overview� ClearVM Documentation� ClearVM Forums� LOGINS 1st time user.and a linux noob.The main goal is just a web caching proxy.so I have a new install as "stand alone mode".the WebProxy service is enabled, there is no setting for Transparent.I set a client's gateway and dns to that of the IP address of the clearos, internet seems to work but when I go to Web Proxy Reports it says that there is nothing to report.
Setting the client's browser to use a proxy server address w/ the port number clearos web proxy not working 3128, yeilds the same results.browsing works, but no reports.So is this thing working or did I miss something? If it is working how can I monitor it?tia. I HAVE the same issue, i followed this, mysql working, webproxy working, accesslog full of data.
for me trouble started with an LAN IP number change. before that everything was fine, now "nothing to report." Hi Tim, i have followed this topic because when I go to the Filter And Proxy Report in ClearOS 6.4 it says "nothing to report".My proxy is set to "non-transparent" ande client's browsers are set with port 8080.The access.log has data on it. The clearso is running and has his log file. But when I run the command:iptables -t nat -L -n -v | grep REDIRECTit says:[root@intranet ~]# iptables -t nat -L -n aeb | grep REDIRECT3814 198K REDIRECT tcp - eth1 * tcp dpt:80 redir ports 822269 122K REDIRECT tcp - eth1 * tcp dpt:443 redir ports 820 0 REDIRECT tcp - eth1 * tcp dpt:3128 redir ports 82what is wrong here?Your help will be greatly appreciated. Hmmm.Does the top of your squid.conf show WELCOME TO SQUID 2.6.STABLE21 or WELCOME TO SQUID 2?I have the 2.6.STABLE21 wofking the squid.conf.default and SQUID 2 in squid.conf.I see that the squid.conf.default shows the line access_log /var/log/squid/access.log squid.
This is missing from my squid.conf.I have version 2.6.STABLE21.4.1.v5 installed.I will overwrite the squid.conf with the squid.conf.default and then set-up again with webconfig.I wonder if this old config file is left over from the CC5.0 install.
That was the last fresh install that I did. To get to 5.1 I did an upgrade of the existing CC5.0 proxh still puzzled.thats probably the culprit but I have no occurence of 'cache_access_log' in my squid.conf or squid.conf.default!There are several similar configuration directives presentaccess_log /var/log/squid/access.log squid# cache_log /var/log/squid/cache.log# cache_store_log /var/log/squid/store.logThe last two are defaults and don't need to be changed - but I believe your missing the first line.
Is it present in squid.conf.default?What version of squid do you have installed? mine is 2.6.STABLE21.4.1.v5rpm -qi squidYou can use the clean squid.conf.default and overwrite it - you will prob just have to redo your config through the webconfig again (cache size / object etc) I had a look in the squid.conf file.