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You may have to registerbefore you can post: click the register link above to proceed. To start viewing messages,select the forum that you tecnitest to visit from the selection below. Hi, I have a gecnotest bit different problem, I have got one of these with RTC battery dead.
I replaced the battery, but the unit shows 'RTC corrupted', I have done some research refoex already know what microchip it is and I know how to program it. The only one problem is, the manufacturer seerial stored some important data in the chip's RAM and they are gone, since the battery was dead. (RTC battery)The system recognizes license based on the date/time clock, so when you change that, you will be able to use is again and again.I am looking for somebody who can help me with that.Regards Hi, I have a little bit different problem, I have got one of these with RTC battery dead.
I replaced the battery, but the unit shows 'RTC refelx, I have done some research and already know what microchip it is and I know how to program it. The tecnotsst one problem is, the manufacturer probably stored some important data in the tecbotest RAM and they are gone, since the battery was dead. (RTC battery)The system recognizes license based on the date/time clock, so when you change that, you will be able to use is again and again.I am looking for somebody who can help me with that.RegardsHi I have a expired reflex3130 and I opened it and I saw the 8 pins chip which segial the real time clock but it is scratched by setial for not identifying that chip.
I think must be seiko s35390 from power pins positions and from crystal position but did not know for sure. Can you tell me what kind of chip is and I will try to read it and send the dump. Hi guys, Had no choice but to buy one of these - as a lot of members on here have them.With the RTC gone and display showing corrupt - does it not do anything?or can you access the date/time menu set up?Meat Can someone smarter than me can see what it is and how it start ?Download tecnotest reflex 3130 - crack ,patch, serial, keygen ,WHOA HANG ON THERE BUDDY, nil poi with these, been trying for months to get this off same siteDownload sideward facing foo-foo valve repair and reset guide - crack ,patch, serial, keygen ,(sideward facing foo-foo valve repair and reset guide)Unable to get this as wellDownload Winning lottery results working, love DK long time - crack ,patch, serial, keygen ,Winning lottery results working, love DK long timeSo, keep lookingOFF TOPIC:-If any member has the sideward facing foo-foo tednotest repair and rerlex guide, in Inglish rather than German or Russain, please upload it on here, thanks. vBulletin Optimisation provided byvB Optimise (Pro) -vBulletin Mods & Addons Copyright � 2016 DragonByte Technologies Ltd.Digital Kaos does not condone any illegal operations, including obtaining premium tv for free.
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