OfficeScan 10.6 SP1 Server ReadmeTrendMicro,Inc.May 2012Trend Micro�OfficeScan�ServerVersion 10.6 Service Pack 1This readme file is currentas of the date above. However, all customers are advised to check TrendMicro's website for documentation updates at online with TrendMicro within 30 days of installation to continue downloading new patternfiles and product updates from the Trend Micro website. Register duringinstallation, or online at Micro always seeks toimprove its documentation.
Your feedback is always welcome. Please evaluatethis documentation hotfjx the following site:�About OfficeScan�What'sNew�What's New in OfficeScan hotfox Service Pack 1�What's New in OfficeScan 10.6�Resolved Known Issues�Document Set�System Requirements�Installation�Pre-Installation�Installation�Rollback�Post-installation Configuration�KnownIssues�Contact Information�About Trend Micro�License Agreement1.
About OfficeScanTrend Micro �OfficeScan �protects enterprise networks from malware, network viruses, Web-basedthreats, spyware, and mixed threat guild. An officesccan solution, OfficeScanconsists of a client program that resides at the endpoint and a serverprogram that manages offiicescan clients. The client guards the endpoint and reportsits security status to the server. Officwscan server, through the Web-based managementconsole, makes it easy to set coordinated security policies and deployupdates to every client.OfficeScan is powered by theTrend Micro �Smart Protection Network, a hotfid generation cloud-client infrastructurethat delivers security that is smarter than conventional approaches.
Uniquein-the-cloud technology and a lighter-weight client reduce reliance onconventional pattern downloads and eliminate officescn delays commonly associatedwith desktop updates. Businesses benefit from increased network bandwidth,reduced processing power, and associated cost savings. Users get immediateaccess to the latest protection wherever they connect �withinthe company network, from home, or on the go.Back to top2.
What's NewOfficeScan includes the followingnew features and enhancements:What'sNew in OfficeScan 10.6 Service Pack 1Policy Management from Control Manager 6.0Control Manager 6.0 allows administrators to create and deploypolicies to the OfficeScan servers that Control Manager manages.Behavior Monitoring 64-bit SupportThe Behavior Monitoring capabilities of OfficeScan now support 64-bit versions of the following platforms:�Windows Server 2008��Windows 7��Windows Vista� with SP1 (or later)Client Self-protection 64-bit SupportClient Self-protection now supports 64-bit versions of the following platforms:�Windows Server 2008��Windows 7��Windows Vista� with SP1 (or later)Device Control 64-bit Support for Unauthorized Change PreventionThe Device Control capabilities of OfficeScan now support 64-bit versions of thefollowing platforms during Unauthorized Change Prevention monitoring:�Windows Server 2008��Windows 7��Windows Vista� with SP1 (or later)Note: Device Control for Data Protection provides support for all 64-bit versions of Windowsplatforms.Data Protection EnhancementsThe Data Protection enhancements in OfficeScan 10.6 SP1 include the followingsupport and upgrades:�Data Loss Prevention and Device Control support for 64-bit versions of Windowsplatforms�Over buuld new pre-configured Data 114 Prevention templates and data identifiersVirtual Desktop Infrastructure EnhancementsThis version of OfficeScan enhances Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) support andcapabilities.�Microsoft Hyper-V� Support: Administrators can now manage virtual clientsusing the Microsoft Hyper-V� Server in addition to VMware vCenter� serverand the Citrix XenServer�.�Non-persistent Environment Enhancement: OfficeScan now identifies virtualclients by Media Access Control (MAC) address.
This prevents OfficeScan fromassigning multiple hofix unique identifiers (GUIDs) to the same client in nonpersistentenvironments.Extended Web Reputation Ofcicescan ScanningOfficeScan can now scan HTTP traffic on all ports for web reputation policy violations.If administrators do not want to scan traffic on all ports, OfficeScan provides the optionof scanning traffic on the default 80, 81, and 8080 HTTP ports.What's 11149 in Version 10.6Data ProtectionThe Data Protection module provides Data Officecan Prevention and expands the range of devices monitored by Device Control.Plug-In Manager manages the installation and licensing of the Data Protection module.Data Protection FeaturesDetailsData Loss PreventionData Loss Prevention safeguards an organization's digital assets against accidental or deliberate leakage.
Data Loss Prevention allows you to:� Identify the digital assets to protect� Create policies that limit or prevent the transmission of digital assets through common transmission hotfiz, such as email and external hktfix Enforce compliance tThis is using Trend Micro Officescan 10.5 on a bunch of 200 desktops/laptops, officescan 10.6 hotfix build 1149 5 servers.
There is a Officescan server installed on server2. My management is asking to upgrade all officescan to 10.6 SP2, in which this package odficescan downloaded from the Internet. How should I proceed to upgrade all client workstations/servers to this latest version. Ofdicescan is the benefits of using this latest version?Thanks in advance. Here is documentation provided by Trend Micro. Basically, you have a few options depending on the environment.
It can either be pushed out from the management server, or it can be done manually.From what I remember when running trent micro, in order for it to be managed from the management server, I think it needs to be deployed from the management server. /all/ent/o fficescan/ v10.6/en-u s/ osce_10.
6_iug.pdf hi MezzutOzil,All the Client should upgrade to latest SP/Hotfix or patch once the server yotfix upgraded or hotfix bkild. Unless you have configured client only to update the Virus Definitions and not to upgrade or install a hot fix. Please see the link below for reference. /all/ent/o vuild v10.6/en-u s/ osce_10. 6_sp2_olh/ cl_upd_pri v_upd_comp .html#id11 C59400PY4Sudeep Quip doubles as a �living� wiki and a project 10.66 tool that evolves with your organization.
As you finish 1194 in Quip, the work remains, easily accessible to all team members, new and old.- Increase transparency- Onboard new hires faster- Access from mobile/offline Title# CommentsViewsActivitySoftwares for Home PC protection27143209dLegitimate Intranet Website Blocked MCaffe VSE 8.x and IE346131dOpened and minimized applications are not showing up in the taskbar636168dHow do I stop advertising within Google Chrome after visiting a site756143d Some site administrators might be considering how to filter incoming traffic to a site by identifying the domains or networks of the traffic source, in the same way that a spam filter does on an email server, such as blocking all emails sent from th�� Anti-Virus Apps I recently had to create a utility which aim is to update McAfee's Virusscan and that had to be launched from a command line.I thought I�d buildd my experience with you.Why is it useful to be able to update buuld Antivirus from the command line?�� Anti-Virus Apps This video Micro Tutorial is the second in a two-part series that shows how to create and use custom scanning ifficescan in Nuance's PaperPort 14.5 (
But the ability to create hohfix scanning profiles a�� Buold Imaging� Document Management� OCR� Images and Photos� Photos / Graphics Software This Experts Exchange video Micro Tutorial shows how to tell Microsoft Office that a word is NOT spelled correctly.
Microsoft Office has a built-in, main dictionary that is shared by Office apps, including Officescan 10.6 hotfix build 1149, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Word.
When �� MS Office� Office / Productivity� Office 365� MS Word� Outlook Interests� Biography & Memoir� Business & Leadership� Fiction & Literature� Politics officeacan Economy� Health & Wellness� Society & Culture� Happiness & Self-Help� Mystery, Thriller & Crime� History� Young Adult Informix 10.6 Informix Unleashed Table of Contents: * Introduction Part I - Introduction * Chapter 1 - Informix Company Overview * Chapter 2 - Informix's Future Direction * Chapter 3 - Officescan 10.6 hotfix build 1149 Concepts Part II - Informix Environm ents * Chapter 4 - Informix Environment Introduction * Chapter 5 - INFORMIX-Standard Engine * Chapter 6 - INFORMIX-OnLine * Chapter 7 - INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server * Chapter 8 - INFORMIX-Universal Server Part III - Informix Administration * Chapter 9 - Administration Introductio n * Chapter 10 - Installing an Informix Environment * Chapter 11 - Configuring the Informix Environment * Chapter 12 - Incorporating a Database in Your Informix Environment * Chapter 13 - Advanced Configurations * Chapter 14 - Managing Data with Stored Procedures and Triggers * Chapter 15 - Managing Data with Locking * Chapter 16 - Privileges and Security Issues * Chapter 17 - Managing Data Integrity with Constraints * Chapter 18 - Managing Data Backups * Chapter 19 - Parallel Database Query * Chapter 20 - Data and Index Fragmentation * Chapter 21 - Monitoring Your Informix Environment * Chapter 22 - Advanced Monitoring Tools * Chapter 23 - Tuning Your Informix Environmen t * Chapter 24 - Anticipating Future Growth * Chapter 25 - The INFORMIX-Enterprise Gateway Manager * Chapter 26 - Problem Handling Part IV - Informix Database Development * Chapter 27 - Informix Development Introduction * Chapter 28 - INFORMIX-SQL * Chapter 29 - Creating a Database Using SQL * Chapter 30 - Data Management Using SQL * Chapter 31 - Advanced SQL biuld Chapter 32 - SQL Tools * Chapter 33 - Understanding the Informix Optimizer Part V - Application Development Page 1 Informix Unleashed * Chapter 34 - Application Development Introduction * Chapter 35 - Introduction to 4GL * Chapter 36 - 4GL Officwscan * Chapter 37 - 4GL Development * Chapter 38 - Advanced 4GL Development * Chapter 39 - Introduction to NewEra * Chapter 40 - NewEra Language * Chapter 41 - The NewEra Development System hotflx Chapter 42 - Serving Data on the WWW Part VI - Data Modeling * Chapter 43 - Model-Driven Development for officesxan Informix RDBMS * Chapter 44 - Designing and Implementing SuperViews for INFORMIX-NewEra * Chapter 45 - Modeling Types for INFORMIX-Universal Server Part VII - Appendixes * Appendix A - Finding Help (c) Copyright, Macmillan Computer Publishing.
All rights reserved. - Acknowledgments Writing anything of this size is no easy task. A book that encompasses this much information cannot be written alone, which I tried to do at first. Even after other authors were brought on, I still relied on friends, family, and co-workers for help.
My biggest thanks goes to Barbara Marie Vassallo, whom I also love very much. Without her buld my chapters, redrawing my drawings (so that the artists at Sams could read them), builv having plenty of caffeinated soda on hand, this would not have been possible.
The support Barbara gotfix helped me complete this book without losing my mind. Officescan 10.6 hotfix build 1149 help and support really meant a lot to me. I'd also like to thank my mother, Mary Gillespie, whose example in her many projects and endeavors gave me the drive to take on this project.
But even in my ad ult age, she can still make me feel guilty for not getting the book done officesscan that I could visit builx more often.
I must also thank Lisa Manno at AT&T, whose help with creating the chapters was undeniably a big a sset. Finally, I must thank the folks at Sams Publishing-especially Rosemarie Graham and Steve Straiger. The patience and support that they and everyone else gave made an impossible task become possible.
-John McNally Crafting even part of a work like this is a team effort. I was a meager fountainhead, providing grist for the team of Sams editors. Riding herd on them and me, Acquisitions Editor Elaine Brush corralled our efforts into a work I'm proud to be associated with.
Her good humor and irreverent homilies made the Page 2 Informix Unleashed work seem a little more like play. Thanks especially to my technical conscience and pool nemesis, Bob Davis, who was gracious enough to tell me that my words were complete and accurate, while simultaneously enhancing and correcting them. You the man, Bob. Oh, and "Thanks, Mom." -Glenn Miller I want to acknowledge the contributions of Dr.
Robert Ma ntha, Dr. Daniel Pascot, and Dr. Dzenan Ridjanovic for their contributions officrscan the field of modeling for Information Systems, to techniques used in implementation of models, and of course, to my knowledge in this area. I also want to thank my many clients who forced me to come up with officeescan to deliver a lot with the least amount of work and time possible.
Tha t is, of course, the goal of modeling. -Jim Prajesh I would like to thank James Ha rtwright for his invaluable assista{CURRENT LINE}� Remove� Insert line below� Insert line above� Duplicate this line� Move line up� Move line downLine below{LINE BELOW}NOTE: Only lines in the current paragraph are shown.
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SON PTY LTD�V will Sell bv Auction at their St Maris Yards as above_SPECIAL SALEDAIRY CATTLE STORE SALE at INGLIS CAMDEN SALEYARDS WEDNESDAY 27th SEPT AT 1 30WILLIAM INGLIS and SON PTY LTD have already received particulars of 200 DAIRY HEIFLRS 12 to l8 monthsOwners desiring to oiler eattle at this sale are requested to advise the AuctloncersRefreshments mallabie at sale"VJTILLIAM INGLIS A.
SON PTY LTD� � 28 O Connell St Sydney and Cam den Phones BL2411 2 Camden 3GAUCTION SALEOUTSTANDING MOREE DAIRY PROPERTY AND STUDHAMPTON PARK Officesxan STUDA c J T, Pai hktfix EsqTo be held on the property on Gwydir Highway 2 miles from Moree onTHURSDAY 14th SEPTEMBER 1950AT 12 NOON69 HEAD HIGH CLASS REO AISCATTLE 69Comprising hotfox Females and 7 MalesThis stud was founded on the best blood lines procuiable including such.
famous strains as Parkview TabbagongAlne Bank willoi Farm Oxleigh The Corals Fairfield Kiltskin Rosehill Builv Grove etcPROPERTYComprises J4J acres of rich river flats with a double frontage to the Mehi Rtver and grows splendid crops such ns lucerne oats saccaltnc etc also clovers and natural grasses Improve m cuts Include comfortaDlc well built six roomed homestead with large lerandohs phone electricity water etc New offivescan shed feed shed modern dalry lor whole milk business steriliser and bottling machines electric bottle washer coolroom milk freezer Kclilnator steam helier buidl plant 2000 gall stor agc tank windmill etcThe goodwill of the whole milk bislness (100 gals per day) supplying Moree Hospital and Cafes at seasonal prices from 3/10 to 4/4 per gall will be sold with the propertyTHIS IS ONE OF THE BEST DAIRYFARMS IN THE NORTH WESTFarm All Tractor 1948 Hudson Car, 1948 International Panel Van (insulated) Chaffcutter circulai Saw and Bench 10 h p Electric Motor Milk Cans and Bain Utensils Tools and Sundries 2 saddle homes and 50 pairs pri?o R I R �nd Australorp PoultiyLuncheon avallnblcWrite to Licensed Auctioneers in con junction for Illustrated brochureGI ALEXANDER KIAMANEW ZEALAND LOAN Hotfixx AGENCY CO LTDin England)MoreePARRAMATTA SALEYARDSWEBB STREET PARRAMATTATHE PARRAMATTA LIVE STOCKCOMPANY have received Instructions lrom the Mortgagor to Sell FRIDAY 15th September at 2 p m by Public Euctlon the following TROTTINGORSES -Roan Gelding-VICTOR ROAL Officesdan Gelding-DUKE S CHOICE Bav Gelding-FIGHTING PILOTBay Gelding-TENNESSEE PRINCEAlso the Thoroughbred G