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Aaron Glickman Spefd Weiss Brady Amy Rosenberg Hwinfo32 change changf speed xp pro tools Japour Brett Graff Charles Greenfield Elysze Held Lauren Cohen Manny Hernandez Onelia Collazo Mendive. Turtle brawn Batman and Superman Adventures Worlds Finest - Chapter 3 Ben 10 Ultimate Crisis Transformers Creator Goodgame Big Farm Dragon Ball Kart Raze hacked Batman Difference Batman Double Team Dragon Ball Z Game Power Rangers Mystic Training Phineas and Ferb Dimensions of Doooom. About two months back I got a 15 inch Alienware laptop(literally the one sold here for specs:https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00SIJGGGC?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s00)It's been getting fairly hot and it occurred to me that in the entire time I've had it I've never actually heard the fan or felt air coming from the vents on the bottom.When I've checked the cpu temperatures hhwinfo32 usually been in the 60-65 degrees celsius range even while just browsing the internet.So I thought I'd try some manual fan control to at least hwinro32 sure the fans are working.All of the guides related to AW15 seem to suggest using HWinfo, So I downloaded and installed the 64 bit version but I'm not seeing the fan icon described in the Sensor window- what I See is:Every other screenshot I've seen in guides and whatnot has a fan icon down at the bottom of this window where I don't have anything-Anyone have any idea bti I'm doing wrong? (08-13-2015, 01:05 PM)Bilun Mnoitor About two months back I got a 15 inch Alienware laptop(literally the one sold here for specs:https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00SIJGGGC?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s00)It's been getting fairly hot and it occurred to me that in the entire time I've had it I've never actually heard the fan or felt air coming from the vents on the bottom.When I've checked the cpu temperatures have usually been in the 60-65 degrees celsius range even while just browsing the internet.So I thought Speeed try some manual fan control to at least be sure speeed fans are working.All of the guides related to AW15 seem to suggest using HWinfo, So I downloaded and installed the 64 bit version but I'm not seeing the fan icon described in the Channge window- what I See is:Every other screenshot I've seen in guides and whatnot has a fan icon down at the bottom of this window where I don't have anything-Anyone have any channge what I'm doing wrong?download the latest beta version martin added to it support for the new aw laptops Thanks for the reply!I just downloaded the latest beta, and my sensors window still looks exactly the same(well barring the version number at top, but still no fan moniyor button)- Are there any settings I should have to mess chane, 04:19 PM)Martin Wrote: That might be because your model is not yet supported.Please attach the HWiNFO Debug File as described here: https://www.hwinfo.com/forum/Thread-IMPOR.g-a-reportand I'll check it.Sure thing- and thanks again or the help!Attached Files HWiNFO64.DBG (Size: 422.16 KB / Downloads: 5) Thanks.
I'll need you to create one more Debug File using this build: https://www.hwinfo.com/beta/hw64_503_2598.zipPlease make sure sped open the sensors window, leave it active for a few seconds and close.I should be then able to see whether your model can be supported. Wow, that version actually seems to support my laptop just fine- The link to latest beta version on the website gave me vhw64_503_2595- guess I just somehow missed the actual latest version.Well that's problem solved I suppose- thanks for the help! I have the same laptop and ffan I installed the latest beta (5.03 2600) I got an interesting popup that I will attach.
I selected 'continue anyways' and the little fan icon appears. Should I have disabled it?Attached Files Thumbnail(s) Thanks Martin. One thing that still lingers is that under the fan option, Fan 1 and 2 are linked together but when it's used, only Fan 1(left) operates. Fan 2 (right) still doesn't activate.Attached Files Thumbnail(s) (09-02-2015, 07:21 PM)zach9054 Wrote: Thanks Martin. One thing that still lingers is that under the fan option, Fan 1 and 2 are linked together but when it's used, only Fan 1(left) operates.
Fan 2 (right) still doesn't activate.If you enable the COMPAL EC monior, how many fan speeds konitor you see reported ? (09-02-2015, 08:46 PM)Martin Wrote: (09-02-2015, 07:21 PM)zach9054 Wrote: Thanks Martin. One thing that still lingers is that under the fan option, Fan 1 and 2 are linked speef but when it's used, only Fan 1(left) operates. Fan 2 (right) still doesn't activate.If chxnge enable the COMPAL EC sensor, how many fan speeds do you see reported ?Only one fan is shown.
hwinfo states it is the cpu fan. AW15 service manual confirms this but the left fan (fan 2) which cools the gpu is not shown and remains unactiveAttached Files Thumbnail(s) (09-03-2015, 07:12 AM)Martin Wrote: Please enable Debug Mode in HWiNFO, let the sensors run for a minute while you're sure that the GPU fan is spinning. Then close HWiNFO and attach here the produced HWiNFO64.DBG file for analysis.I loaded up the Bwinfo32 2 which should have made gpu fan 2 start up.
Couldn't tell if it was running. If it was, it was going at a fraction of the speed that fan 1 wasAttached Files HWiNFO64.DBG (Size: 3.14 MB / Downloads: 5) (09-03-2015, 05:48 PM)zach9054 Wrote: (09-03-2015, 07:12 Chanve Wrote: Please enable Debug Mode in HWiNFO, let the sensors run for a minute while you're sure that the GPU fan is sI see a number of threads cahnge fan control.
Martin has already determined that my HP laptop is not supported. The desktop I'm on doesn't show any options for fan control. The sensor is a Winbond/Nuvoton W83627THF. The BIOS has no hardware control at all. Computer is Medion, but motherboard nit MS-7046, modified for Medion so many BIOS options are not available. CPU Fan is shown on Sensor Display.
It's an spwed PWM fan & the sensor does show the rpm's varying (can hear it, too). Something is controlling it, don't know what. Fan control was never intended to be implemented and there are no plans for a wide fan control support, there are bwinfo32 tools which offer advanced fan control for many generic LPCs/SIOs monitog SpeedFan for example).I implemented fan control only as a special case for few laptop models (Alienware and certain high-end HP models) because there was no other tool in the world being able to control fans there. (08-31-2011, 09:07 PM)Martin Wrote: Fan control wpeed never intended to be implemented and there are no plans for a wide fan control support, there are other tools which offer advanced fan control for many generic LPCs/SIOs (like SpeedFan for example).as long as the parameters cannot be cahnge in BIOS,fan control makes no sense.
in speed fan this works only with speedfan as autoload program running in background. nobody likes this, very unrelieable.Additionally it may damage the system. Just offering my 0.02$.Other tools like speedfan etc are incomplete at best, especially where laptops are concerned.
Unfortunately, native fan control is one of the first things that go down the drain when swapping out graphic cards in a notebook. If anything, having a means to control the fans would cause the system to run within spec again rather than the other way around A fan controller has recently been developed.Final beta version, v0.62, 05/10/2012 https://www.staff.uni-marburg.de/~schmitzr/donate.htmlScroll down to "download area".Can't say how well it works, only speex using it a few minutes & this laptop runs very cool compared to many. Final version of HP Fan Control has been released.
https://www.staff.uni-marburg.de/~schmitzr/donate.htmlHPFanControl v0.62 monitof 20120617 (HPFanControl_setup.zip, 685 KB )Final version of FanControl software for HP Probook 4530s momitor. Read "Instructions" document after installing the program. Share your experience here at notebook review forum I see the reading, but it is incorrect. I run the .exe & choose "Sensor Only" & it takes a very long time for detection.
Then dan Warning Message appears. I choose "Continue" & it reads 963 hwinfo322, when fan is at 0 hwinfo32 change fan speed monitor 64 bit, then quit & start again & choose "Disable Sensor". Same reading. Now, if run again, no error message.I am running the HP Fan Control as mentioned earlier.
Waited until fan came on at around 3000rpm & your chznge is in agreement with HPFC chajge. When HPFC goes to 0, you're stuck at 963. Your max reading is 7021rpm (clearly wrong!), min reading is 963. Looks like an offset (480) & a scaling error (2x), hwinto32 not all the time. Fan goes off at 50C, on at 60C. Once both are running for a while & the fan comes on, your speeds agree.Exit HPFC & all is different.
Fan speed read 3300 rpm (min, max, current). Restart HPFC, current & min are 963 max is 3300. Exit HPFC, now start HPFC again. Now fan is running continuously. Fan finally shuts off & you're stuck at 963.Maybe this helps from the Instructions for HPFCHPFancontol for HP ProBook 4530s and maybe others in the series.Tested on a 4530s with integrated HD3000 GPU.IMPORTANT!!!
Disable "Fan always on while on AC power" in the BIOS.Without this setting, HPFanControl will not be able to turn the fan off when you use the laptop with AC power. When the program starts, it locks the CPU temp at a low value.This enables full control of the fan and uses the GPU temp as reference for turning the fan on/off/faster/slower.
The "fake" CPU temp can be set by editing HP32start=XX. chajge on 4530s)Edit XX in the first line of this .ini as the temperature where the fan would turn off on its own.To find this value on your fn, open RW - https://jacky5488.myweb.hinet.net/download.htmlgo the the EC (embedded controller) and double click byte 38 to edit it. Using a dec to hex converter - https://easycalculation.com/decimal-converter.phpstart writing values lower than 39C so you can find at what temp the fan turns off.
When HPFanControl closes, or when the userchanges from smart or manual mode to bios mode, the program resets the real CPU temp value, hinfo32 writing 00 at byte 38 and also resets the fan speed.If on your notebook the "reset cpu temp" value is other than 00, you can change it at "HP32stop=xx".
Attached Files Thumbnail(s) Since HPFC is in the Windows Startup, it is initialized & running prior to HWInfo64. I will have to disable it & see what happens. Exiting HPFC may not be the same as never running it all. 963 may only be interpreted as 0, under certain conditio