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Stellarium for macbook pro

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Close PLATFORMS� Android� iOS� Windows� MacPOPULAR LINKS� Latest News� Security and Antivirus Center� New Releases� User Favorites� Editor's Picks� Top FreewareCATEGORIES� Browsers� Business� Communications� Digital Photos� Entertainment� Games� Internet� MP3 & Audio� Productivity� Screenshots & Wallpaper� Security� Utilities� VideoHELP & SETTINGS� Link to CNET Site� Submit Feedback� Terms of Use� Privacy Policy�� 2016 CBS Interactive Inc.�All Rights Reserved Stargazing is an amazing hobby, but the weather isn't always perfect for it.

With Stellarium for Mac, users can now explore the galaxy anywhere, anytime.The installation of Stellarium for Mac takes no time at all as it requires a simple drag and drop into the Applications folder.

Once you launch the app, you will be greeted with a night sky full of stars, which looks really amazing. If you want to see more stars you can simply zoom in.

The application reminded us of the Night Sky feature from Google Earth. One of the advantages of this app is that it works even when it's offline, which is perfect if you're taking your Mac far out of town. You can click on the star/galaxy to learn more about it and it'll show you its current angle, pgo, and how far it is, etc. The app is quite complex, as well.

The interface lacks descriptions and there are no tutorials available, but there's a PDF guide available for download on the developer's Web site. There is also an IRC channel full of passionate people who are willing to help out, so you may have to ask for help; but there are options if you get stuck.Since Stellarium for Mac is a multiplatform and open-source app, there's a huge community supporting it.

If stargazing is your passion, you'll definitely feel at home here. From Stellarium:Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer. Forr shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope. It is being used in planetarium projectors.

Just set your coordinates and go. 4 stars"Useful application"January 22, 2015|By DaddyDez2015-01-22 19:08:15|By DaddyDez|Version: Stellarium 0.13.2ProsIt offers various options that are cute and intriguing.ConsThere should be a PDf version user's manual available because now it is trial and error to learn the controls.SummaryIt is free so do not knock it, enjoy it.Reply to this reviewWas this review helpful?

(0) (0) 2 stars"Don't know how to work it. Is there a manual?"September 22, 2013|By hmdzine2013-09-22 05:44:10|By hmdzine|Version: Stellarium 0.12.3ProsCan't do this because I don't know how it worksConsThere is no info on how it works, unless I have missed this somewhereSummaryNAReply to this reviewWas this review helpful?

(0) (0) 5 stars"Xcellent!!! (I'm an amateur)"May 26, 2013|By aaanouel2013-05-26 10:21:57|By aaanouel|Version: Stellarium 0.12.1ProsBeautiful, complete, easy to use, versatile and have a lot more options than I'd ever need and it's FOR FREE!!! just unbelievable.ConsMy only one concern is probably my remorse for not being able to give them a very well deserved donation.SummaryGreat Planetarium in home software: Not for being for free is is not a serious and complete software and probably the very best!Download it sstellarium now and donate if being able to.

developers deserve it!!!Reply to this reviewWas this review helpful? (0) (0) 5 stars"Great to show kids."March 17, 2012|By hoagk2012-03-17 14:39:42|By hoagk|Version: Stellarium 0.11.2ProsEasy to use, graphically appealing, and it has more information than I know what to do with.

I love showing my kids in the classroom the stars and planets with this.ConsA little problem with the location keeps sliding back to Paris instead of Chicago, but that's too small to quibble with considering the price.SummaryVery worth while. I never would have suspected free software to be this excellent!Reply to this reviewWas this review helpful?

(0) (0) 4 stars"Wonderful. very easy to use."November 12, 2011|By billy_casey_jr2011-11-12 14:10:22|By billy_casey_jr|Version: Stellarium 0.11.1ProsEasy to understand iconic choices.ConsVery few.

Still testing all options.Reply to this reviewWas this review stellarijm (0) (0) 5 stars"An impressive astronomical guide"August 01, 2011|By ian.miller_nz2011-08-01 12:40:04|By ian.miller_nz|Version: Stellarium 0.11.0ProsSeems to contain kacbook about macbopk an amateur observer would wish for.ConsIt is not quite as intuitive as some other reviewers have suggested, but it is worth making the effort to get used to it.SummaryThis accesses an extraordinary amount of information, and as such it is a bit more complicated to get the best out of it.

The "Help" section includes a very useful "user guide" (98 pp I think) and I strongly recommend you download this.

Once you have come to grips with this, you have a remarkably powerful application for, well, free. Magnificent value!Reply to this reviewWas this review helpful? (0) (0) 4 stars"Easy to use and has everything that I need included."July What can I do to prevent this stellxrium the future?If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware.If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer.

It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope.It is being used in planetarium projectors. Just set your coordinates and go. features sky� default catalogue of over 600,000 stars� extra catalogues with more than 210 million stars� asterisms and illustrations of the constellations� constellations for 20+ different cultures� images of nebulae (full Messier catalogue)� realistic Milky Way� very realistic atmosphere, sunrise and sunset� the planets and their satellitesinterface� a powerful zoom� macook control� multilingual interface� fisheye projection for planetarium domes� spheric mirror projection for your own low-cost dome� all new graphical interface and extensive keyboard control� telescope controlvisualisation� equatorial and azimuthal grids� star twinkling� shooting stars� eclipse simulation� supernovae simulation� skinnable landscapes, now with spheric panorama projectioncustomizability� plugin fkr adding artifical satellites, ocular simulation, telescope configuration and more� ability to add new solar system objects from online resources.� add your own deep sky objects, landscapes, constellation images, scripts. news� New Stellarium User Guide is available� Stellarium 0.15.0� Preparation to release of version 0.15.0� Stellarium 0.14.3� Stellarium 0.14.2� Stellarium 0.14.1 has been released� Call to translators� Stellarium 0.13.3 has been released!

discussion� Stellarium 0.14.0system requirements minimal� Linux/Unix; Windows 7 stelladium above; OS X 10.8.5 and above� 3D graphics card which supports OpenGL 3.0 and GLSL 1.3� 512 MiB RAM� 250 MiB on diskrecommended� Linux/Unix; Windows 7 and above; OS X 10.8.5 and above� 3D graphics card which supports OpenGL 3.3 and above� 1 GiB RAM or more� 1.5 GiB on diskdevelopersProject coordinator: Fabien ChereauGraphic designer: Johan MeurisDeveloper: Bogdan Marinov, Alexander Wolf, Timothy Reaves, Guillaume Chereau, Georg Zotti, Marcos Cardinot, Florian SchaukowitschContinuous Integration: Hans LambermontTester: Khalid AlAjajiand everyone else in the community. collaborateYou can learn more about Stellarium, get support stllarium help the project from these links:� summary� forum� mailing list� news� wiki� FAQ� landscapes� scripts� plugins� textures� user's guides� developers documentation� scripting� get support� report bugs, request new features� development progress� all stellarium for macbook pro for Linux (source)� for Mac OS X� for Windows (32 bit)� syellarium Windows macbok bit)bzrThe latest development snapshot of Stellarium is kept in Bazaar, a distributed revision control system.

If you want to stellqrium development versions of Stellarium, this is the place to get the source code.� browse Bazaar� instructions (wiki)ircReal time chat about Stellarium can be had stellarium for macbook pro the #stellarium IRC channel on the freenode IRC network. Use your favorite IRC client to connect to or try the web-based interface. supporters and friendsStellarium is produced by the efforts of the developer team, with the help and support of the following people and organisations. ????????? Az?rbaycan dili euskara Esperanto ���������� ��������� ????? bosanski Catala cesky Deutsch ???????? English English (Canada) English (United Kingdom) espanol ????? Suomen francais Gaidhlig ??????? ??? ???/??? �������� Latin latviesu valoda magyar nyelv Hrvatski Hunns-rikk Bahasa Indonesia islenska Italiano ??? Bahasa Melayu Norsk bokmal Nederlands Polski Portugues (Brazil) Portugues Romana ������� slovencina ������ svenska ??????? Turkce gjuha shqipe ��������� Ti?ng Vi?t ???????? ???? ?????? ?????? Report this softwareThank you!

Your feedback will help us make software better for all of us.Oops, something's gone stellarium for macbook pro.

Try again.� What's the issue?�SendNeed to get in touch with us? Click here. Content ratings help you understand the type of content you might find in an app or game, so you can decide if they are suitable for you and your family.

What do the ratings actually tell me?Content ratings describe the minimum age we feel the content is suitable for. It does not indicate that the app was specifically designed for that particular age, or if a certain level of skill is required to play the game or use the app.

Where can I find the content ratings?You will find the content ratings on every app or game page. Why are some apps or games unrated?If an app or game does not have a rating, it means that it has not yet been rated, or it�s been rated and we�re working to update the page. Rating SystemsSoftonic uses the rating systems by PEGI and ESRB. The ratings you see may vary by country or region. 2Stellarium is free GPL software which renders realistic skies in real time with openGL. With Stellarium, you really see what you can see with your eyes, binoculars or a small telescope.

Stellarium is also used in planetariums.Features: Sky� Over 120000 stars from the Hipparcos Catalogue with name and info� Planets and major satellites in real time� Asterisms of the 88 constellations with their names� Mythological figures of the 88 constellations� Images of more than 70 nebulas (Orion, M31 etc.).� Photo-realistic Milky Way� Star twinkling� Shooting StarsLandscape & visualization� Skinnable stellaruim (ground, fog, mapping of fisheye pictures)� Ultra fast realistic atmosphere rendering (sunsets, sunrises etc.)� Automatic eye adaptation to sky luminance using physiologic model� Grids in equatorial and azimuthal coordinates� Equator and ecliptic coordinates linesNavigation & rendering� Smooth real time intuitive navigation� Powerful zoom to see planets and nebulae like through a telescope� Equatorial and altazimuthal mount mode� Standard perspective and wide angle (fisheye) projection modes� Time control (real time and accelerated time modes)� Graphical menu for simple use� Clickable stars, planets and nebulas, with information� Windowed and fullscreen modes� Full dome (180�) projection mode for planetariums� Text user interface for planetariums Articles Stellarium� Google Sky available on mscbook webby Elena SantosGoogle has decided to make Google Sky available online, just like the powerful Google Maps.

Up to now.See more� MacToSchool bundle offered by developersby Cyril RogerThe MacToSchool bundle was ingeniously crafted by a few developers to offer some good Mac applications.See more Searches:� Popular searches� Other searches� A a a a a a l l videos� A ll software� About us� Softonic Info� Help & Support� Jobs� Company News� Legal Information� Software Policy� Developers� Softonic Developer Center� Upload and Manage your Stellrium Partners� Advertising Opportunities� Users�� Become a fan of Softonic� Follow @Softonic� Google+� LinkedIn� Flickr� Subscribe to our RSS feeds� Improve your Android� Softonic Answers� Softonic Newsletter� Softonic Deals We use own and third party cookies to improve our services and your experience.

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You may change your cookie preferences and obtain more information here. Serial to USB:USB 2.0 TO RS232 SERIAL DB9 9 PIN ADAPTER CABLE GPS PDASELLER: ukedeals Drop (Install first): PL2303 Driver Serial to USB: files: :cd /devls �Browse�Forums�Members�Gallery�Calendar�Blogs�Code of Conduct�Staff�Online Users� More�Activity�All Activity�Unread Content�Unread Topics�Content I Started�Content I Posted In�My Activity Streams�Search� More�Resources�Astronomy Tools�Clear Outside�Useful Links�Astro Society Finder� More�Code of Conduct� More Stargazers Lounge�Uses CookiesLike most websites, SGL uses cookies in order to deliver a secure, personalised service, to provide social media functions and to analyse our traffic.

Continued use of SGL indicates your acceptance of our cookie policy.� Dismiss Register now to gain access to all of our features. Once registered and logged in, you will be able to contribute to this site by submitting your own content or replying to existing content. You'll be able to customise your profile, receive reputation points as a reward for submitting content, while also communicating stllarium other members via your own private inbox, plus much more! This message will be removed once you have signed in. Hopefully this will be useful to others here on the forum.

Maybe it stellarium for macbook pro be made a sticky if the mods / other members feel its worth it.The background - I tried several weeks ago to control my mount through Stellarium with my Macbook Pro. After several hours of not getting anywhere and some serious frustration I posted a question on the Stellarium launchpad which was eventually answered this week. Today I have been able to try the suggestion out, which, was pretty straight forward.So for reference and for anyone else who wants to know how this is achieved below are the steps taken.Firstly I am using a generic USB to Serial adapter (brought from Maplins) with a drive downloaded from Prolific ( Welcome to - PL2303 Driver for Mac.

This driver seems to be the best one around for controlling USB to Serial adapters. So what do you do?The first thing to do is to start Stellarium and set up a new telescope connection. This is done by pressing �cmd+0� and then clicking on �configure telescopes�.Click �add� which will take you into the �Add New Telescope� dialogue box.

Once in here there are a few settings that need to be sorted out:1. Under the heading �Telescope controlled by:� click the radio button next to �Stellarium, directly through a serial port�;2. Under the heading �Telescope Properties� give the telescope a name (I chose NEQ6 as this is the make of mount I want to control.) Everything else under this tab can be left as default.3. Under �Device settings� you then need to tell Stellarium what and where the serial port is.

At present the box will display /dev/. To fill in the correct information go need to go to terminal and type cd /dev followed by the return key then type ls this will list all the devices contained on your system. You are looking for something along the lines of cu.usbserial make sure to copy the cu.xxxxxxxxx and not the tty.xxxxxxxxx into Stellarium and paste it after the /dev/ so you will end up with something like /dev/cu.usbserial4.

Under �Device model� stelllarium �Celestron NexStar (compatible)� This will allow control over Sywatcher mounts.This is as far as you need to go in Stellarium however under �User interface settings� you can set some FOV indicators.Once Stellarium is set up you are ready to connect your mount.First start up the mount, enter the usual information, long / lat, date, time etc etc and perform your usual polar alignment.Once done you can then perform your star alignments or connect to Stellarium.

In either case, mwcbook you connect to Stellarium it is important to note that you do not need to enter �PC Direct Mode� which is rather counter-intuitive but works!Therefore, when you are ready connect your cable to your Mac and handset and in Stellarium press �cmd+0�, it may be necessary to click on stel,arium telescope� find the scope and click �start�.

Now in Stellarium you should see a marker with the scope name next to it. If you have just connected after polar alignment then this should have the scope marker next to Polaris (assuming your scope is parked in this position.)Now you are ready to go. Just find a target, click on it and press �cmd+1� assuming you have one scope set up, your prp should syellarium slew to this target. You can have several scopes set up which will use the number 1-9 and 0 thus if you have a scope set up under number 4 then you will need to press �cmd+4� to slew.When finished you can park the scope and disconnect.

And thats it.I hope people find this useful. Or, just get Equinox Pro and have it all working out of the box + webcam support!Interesting stuff. I presume I'd still need a Cables, Leads and Controllers - HitecAstro EQDIR adapter as well with a Syntrek version? hi, would i be able to control this kind of mount.obviopusly it doesnt come with GOTO system, but i will stelarium later on in life, but would i be able to control it?Which kind of mount are you referring to? Thanks Digz that will come in very useful.

Is there any chance you will alUnsupported Browser detected.Announcement: Apple Support Communities has discontinued support for your current browser.In order to provide the best platform for continued innovation, Apple Support Communities suggests using the latest version of Safari.(Please remember to honor your company's IT policies before installing new software!)� Download Safari Stellarium is an open source desktop planetarium. It renders the skies in realtime using OpenGL, which means the skies will look exactly like what you see with your eyes, binoculars, or a small telescope.

Stellarium is very simple to use, stelarium is one of its biggest advantages: it can easily be used by beginners. What's New Version� Reduce planet brightness in daylight (LP: #1503248)� Fixed perspective mode with offset viewport in scenery3d (LP: #1509728)� Fixed wrong altitudes for some locations (LP: #1530759)� Fixed some skyculture links� Fixed editing some shortcut keys (LP: #1530567)� Fixed drawing kacbook for telescope (LP: #1526348)� Fixed wrong altitudeMore. Like this app?

Be the first to add it to a collection! Create a Collection pri bringing together complementary apps that have a common theme or purpose, then share it and discover new collections! + Create steklarium Collection Stellarium is an open source desktop planetarium. It renders the stellariuk in realtime using OpenGL, which means the skies will look exactly like what you see with your eyes, binoculars, or a small telescope. Stellarium is very simple to use, which is one of its stellariim advantages: it can easily be used by beginners. Version� Reduce planet brightness in daylight (LP: #1503248)� Fixed perspective mode with offset viewport in scenery3d (LP: #1509728)� Fixed wrong fot for some locations (LP: #1530759)� Fixed some skyculture links� Fixed editing some shortcut keys (LP: #1530567)� Fixed drawing reticle for telescope (LP: #1526348)� Fixed wrong altitude of culmination in Observability plugin (LP: #1531561)� Fixed connection troubles in Telescope Control Plugin on Windows (LP: #1530372)� Refactoring coloring markers of the DSO� Removed info about Moon phases (avoid inconsistency for strings).� Updated default config options� Updated icons for View dialog� Updated Stellarium DSO Catalog� Added list of dwarf galaxies (Search Tool)� Added improvements in Scenery 3D plugin

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